Current Issue

Issue: 6, 12/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

The objective of the Journal of Ceramic Research is to contribute to the evaluation of pottery which is found in huge numbers during archaeological investigations and which met the humans’ need and taste for millennia. The second aim is to fill a gap in the archaeological literature by an interdisciplinary discourse on ceramics in archaeology, history, archaeometry and art history in Turkey. Today archaeologists working on pottery benefit from an interoperability in technological, analytical and archaeological terms. ‘Old’ ceramics are a junction point between social and physical sciences. The desire to keep the ceramic studies and experiences together affected our decision to publish the Journal of Ceramic Research. Last not least, the Journal of Ceramic Research aims to reach a wider audience with the help of DergiPark and the journal’s official website,, both of which offer open access opportunities.

The Journal of Ceramic Research deals with ceramics from its beginnings in the Neolithic Age until the end of the Ottoman period. Within that timespan developments in the production of pottery, different technologies, production centers, foreign influences as well as different possibilities of usage seen from archaeological, archaeometrical, ethnoarchaeological or art historical perspectives will be in the main focus of this journal.


1. Ceramic Research Journal [SRMKA] is published annually in December.
2. Submitted articles must not have been published elsewhere before.
3. Ceramic Research Journal [SRMKA] employs a double-blind peer review process during evaluation.
4. After the initial review, articles will be sent to two reviewers. Based on the reports provided by the reviewers, articles may be accepted for publication, require revisions, be rejected, or sent to a third reviewer.
5. Articles can be written in Turkish and English.
6. Articles should be submitted to the journal editorial team through the online system (DergiPark).
7. Authors must approve the copyright transfer form.
8. Any responsibility arising from the articles published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
9. Plagiarism detection software will be used for articles.
10. Articles must be written in Microsoft Word.
11. Times New Roman font should be used for articles.
12. The title should be in the center of the page in 14-point font (uppercase for both Turkish and English), Text should be in 12-point font, and footnotes should be in 10-point font.
13. Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be a Turkish and English abstract of at least 150 to a maximum of 300 words summarizing the topic.
Keywords: Below the abstract, at least 5 and at most 8 keywords, consisting of 5-8 words, must be provided. The initial letters of keywords should be capitalized, and commas should be used between them.
14. A space should be left after punctuation marks (except for the comma used in measurements (e.g., 5,5 cm)).
15. Page format should be A4, with margins (normal) (top, bottom, left, right 2,5 cm).
16. Paragraph line spacing should be 1,5.
17. Photos and drawings, etc., should have a resolution of 300 dpi and be in TIFF format.
18. Only the abbreviation "Fig." should be used for all pictures, drawings, plates, and maps.
19. Ceramics should be submitted as a whole and individually in the form they are intended to be used in the publication.
20. Drawings of ceramics should be accompanied by their photos whenever possible.
21. The first footnote should include author institution information, email address, and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number.
22. Footnotes should be provided at the bottom of each page.
23. Italic characters will only be used for ancient languages (e.g., Latin, Akkadian).

Footnote Presentation and Examples

Footnotes: Last name, year, page.

Single-Author Texts: Akurgal 1942, 95.
Two-Author Texts: Ökse and Görmüş 2012, 70.
Texts with Three or More Authors: Yılmaz et al. 2017, 450.

Footnote Presentation for Figures, Plates, Catalogs: Author's Last name, year, page, plate or figure.

Işıklı 1998, 23, Plate 8, Cat. No. 15.
Yılmaz and Ergürer 2012, 23, Plate 8.
Yılmaz et al. 2012, 23, Lev. 8, Cat. No. 3.

Presentation of different publications by the same author in the same year:

Hayes 1980a, 13.
Hayes 1980b, 60.

Bibliographic Citation and Examples:

Author Year
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.

Ökse 2012
Ökse, A. T. (2012). Önasya Arkeolojisinde Çanak Çömlek: Teknik Özellikler, Biçimler, Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca ve Fransızca Terimler. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.

Periodical Publication:

Author Year
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume Number (Issue Number), Page Range.

Hayes 1967
J. W. Hayes. (1967). North Syrian Mortaria. Hesperia, 36(4), 337-347.

Başaran & Ergürer
Başaran, C., & Ergürer, H. E. (XX). Parion Odeion'u (Bouleuterion) 2010 Çalışmaları ve Odeion'da Bulunan Seramikler. OLBA, XX, 245-290.

Gabler vd. 2009
Gabler, D., Hárshegyi, P., Lassányi, G., & Vámos, P. (2009). Eastern Mediterranean Import and Its Influence on Local Pottery in Aquincum. Acta Archeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 60, 51-72.

Author Year
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the Book. (Trans. Translator's Name), Place of Publication: Publisher.

Boardman 2003
Boardman, J. (2003). Siyah Figürlü Atina Vazoları. (Çev. G. Ergin), İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.

Book Chapter and Edited Publication:
Author Year
Author, A. A. (Year). “Title of the Chapter”, Editor(s) (Ed(s).), Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Page Range.
Ergürer 2013
Ergürer, H. E. (2013). "Tiyatro”, C. Başaran (Ed.), Antik Troas’ın Parlayan Kenti Parion. Ankara, 77-86.

Ergürer 2014
Ergürer, E. (2014). “Late Roman Light Coloured Ware from Parion”, H. Meyza & K. Domzalski (Eds.), Late Hellenistic to Mediaeval Fine Wares of The Aegean Coast Of Anatolia, Their Production, Imitation and Use. Warsaw, 175-192.

Türker 2022
Türker, A. (2022). “Kuzey-Orta Anadolu’nun MÖ 3. Binyıldaki Görünümü Üzerine Kısa Notlar”, A. Türker, M. Işıklı, E. Fidan & M. A. Yılmaz (Eds.), MÖ III. Binyılda Anadolu. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, 325-334.

Conference, Symposium, Paper:
Author Year
Author, A. A. (Year). “Title of the Paper”, Editor(s) (Ed(s).), Title of the Proceedings. (Symposium-Conference Date) Place of Publication: Publisher, Page Range.

Karagiorgou 2001
Karagiorgou, O. (2001). “LR2: a Container for the Military annona on the Danubian Border?”, S. Kingsley & M. Decker (Eds.), Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean during Late Antiquity, (29th May, 1999) Oxford: Oxbow Books. 129-166.

Matsumura 2020
Matsumura K. (2020). “Büklükale Kazısı 2018”, 41. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, (Diyarbakır, 17-21 June 2019), Ankara, 35-48.

Author Year
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of the Thesis. (Ph.D. or Master's Thesis), University, Institute, City.
Ergürer 2012
Ergürer, H. E. (2012). Parion Roma Ceramics. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), Atatürk University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Classical Archaeology, Erzurum.
Online Source:
Title of the online source. Web url (Access date, if available, DOI number).

Levantine Ceramics Project. (Accessed on 13.12.2023).

Publication Abbreviations

Useful links for abbreviations of periodicals and book series:


AASOR Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
BiblA The Biblical Archaeologist
BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis
LRCW 1 Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphores in the Mediterranean, Archaeology and Archaeometry, Ed. J. M. Gurt i Esparraguera, J. Buxeda i Garrigos, M.S. Cau Ontiveros, BAR- IS 1340, The Basingstoke Press, England 2005
RIC The Roman Imperial Coinage
TAD Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi
ZfA Zeitschrift für Archäologie

Other Abbreviation Examples:
Arş. : Arşiv Arch. : Archive
Bkz. : Bakınız
Çev. : Çeviren Trans. : Translate
Dn. : Dipnot Fn. : Footnote
Ed. / Eds : Editör (ler) Ed. / Eds : Editor (s)
Env. No. : Envanter Numarası Inv. No. : Inventory Number
Kat. No. : Katalog Numarası Cat. No. : Catalogue Number
Lev. : Levha Pl. : Plate
MÖ : Milattan Önce BC : Before Christ
MS : Milattan Sonra AD : After Date
Res. : Resim
vb. : ve benzeri i.a. : inter altri=among others
vd. : ve diğerleri et al. : et alii

A) Ethical Principles

  • The publication ethics and abuse declaration of the Ceramic Research Journal has been prepared based on the guidelines and recommendations published with recommendations for the execution, reporting and regulation of the editorial ethics committee (COPE) and Science Editors Council (CSE) policy statements.
  • In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.
  • Ethics committee approval should be obtained separately for studies conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
  • Authors may not engage in the act of tortious authorship in a way that will manipulate active contributions and cannot make duplicate publications over the works they have previously submitted. Authors should not take any action that may cause any other ethical violation.
  • When necessary, sufficient correction, explanation or apology should be published.
  • Principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be ensured in designing the research, reviewing the design, and conducting the research.
  • Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unethical behaviors. All manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication.
  • Changing the name of an author (omission, addition or order) in papers submitted to the journal requires written permission of all declared authors.

B) Author's Responsibilities

  • Authors may not engage in the act of tortious authorship in a way that will manipulate active contributions and cannot make duplicate publications over the works they have previously submitted.
  • Authors should not take any action that may cause any other ethical violation.
  • Authors should prepare and submit their articles in accordance with the journal rules.
  • Authors are obliged to make all kinds of corrections requested by the referees and the editorship regarding their articles that have been subjected to peer review.
  • Authors are obliged to comply with the copyright conditions regarding the material obtained or used from other sources and to sign the contract expressing the transfer of the copyright to the Journal.
  • The full responsibility of the texts, which will be published in the journal, stays with the author(s).
  • Any form of plagiarism is a very serious ethical problem, including self-plagiarisms. Evaluation process will be stopped for the articles that contain plagiarism. If any plagiarism is detected after the publication, Editors/Co-Editors will take necessary measures.
  • The author reserves the right to withdraw his/her article provided that the author notifies the withdrawal to the editorial board until the publication decision is taken.

C) Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors

The drective proposed by DergiPark for journal editors on publication ethics (The COPE code of Conduct for Journal Editors) expected set out the minimum standards.


  • Editors strive to meet the information needs of readers and authors.
  • To continue business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
  • To ensure the continuous development of the journal.
  • Editors should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of the narrative, and the journal's goals and objectives.
  • Studies that are suitable for the scope of publication should be taken to the preliminary evaluation stage unless they have serious problems.
  • Editors should not ignore positive referee suggestions unless there is a serious problem with the study.
  • Authors should be informed and returned in an explanatory and informative way.
  • Does not hesitate to issue corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.
  • The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction.
  •  The anonymity of the referees must be ensured.
  • He/She provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles for publication and ensures that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing.

D) Duties and Responsibilities of the Reviewers

  • Reviewers must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. 
  • Reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
  • The referees should evaluate the work fairly and objectively following the double-blind peer review procedure.
  • The opinion of the referees shall be given priority in the decision of the Editorial Board concerning whether the submitted article will be published or not.
  • A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
  • The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons.
  • Referees should complete evaluations of the articles within due course. In order to improve the academic quality of the article, the referees' suggestions for revisions are delivered to the authors and, if requested by the referees, the corrections made by the authors are sent to the referees.

E) Publication Policy

  • The Journal of Ceramic Research will be published once a year, in December.
  • The Journal of Ceramic Research is no demand publication fee for the author(s).
  • Articles are evaluated by two specialists using a double blind peer review model.
  • Referees involved in article evaluation should evaluate objectively and impartially.
  • Referees cannot share the data of articles sent to them for evaluation with anyone.
  • Referees who are convinced that the article can be published by requesting correction, have the right to review the article after necessary corrections have been made.
  • The Editorial Board is independent in its decisions.
  • The preliminary evaluations of the articles are made by the Editorial Board.
  • When the article evaluation process is completed, the editor transmits the decision to the responsible author.
  • The editor should not be affected by the conflict of interest with the person or persons whose name is in the article while deciding whether to accept or reject an article.
  • The material submitted for publication should not be published previously.
  • Authors should prepare and submit their articles in accordance with the journal rules.
  • Authors are obliged to make all kinds of corrections requested by the referees and the editorship regarding their articles that have been subjected to peer review.
  • Authors are obliged to comply with the copyright conditions regarding the material obtained or used from other sources and to sign the contract expressing the transfer of the copyright to the Journal.
  • A plagiarism programme (Turnitin) will be used (Similarity should be below 20%).
  • The full responsibility of the texts, which will be published in the journal, stays with the author(s).
  • Articles in Turkish or English are welcome.
  • Members of the Advisory Board keep the data of the articles sent to them for evaluation confidential and cannot share it in any way.


  • The Journal of Ceramic Research is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Click for detailed information. With this license, users can distribute, copy, work on the work by referring to the license owner, and use the work for derivative works by referring to the owner. No transaction fee is requested by the journal for articles and texts.No fee is paid to the authors for the articles published in the journal. Authors must fill the copyright transfer form for the submitted articles.

G) Plagirism Check 

  • Reported researches should be prepared in accordance with ethical rules and the citations made in the text should be indicated. Studies submitted to our journal are evaluated in the Turnitin program after the referee evaluation process is completed, in order to prevent plagiarism before publication.
  • The upper limit of similarity ratio is 20%.
  • If Encountered with an Unethical Situation; When an important mistake or mistake is noticed in a published article, or when a behavior or content that does not comply with the ethical responsibilities mentioned above is encountered, it must be reported to

A submission fee is not requested to execute article processes in the journal. No publication fee is charged for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. In addition, the authors of the articles are not paid royalties.

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